NEW video posted!

NEW Chair Yoga video posted! One of more to come!
NEW Chair Yoga video posted! One of more to come!
We become healed from the inside out, when we CHOOSE to forgive.
(Coffee time with my Giza ❤️).
The Secret to Love, Health, and Money. By, Rhonda Byrne.
Just LOOK UP and believe.
Peek outside. Change your filter. Mindset is everything.
Beautiful Full Moon practice with my yogi’s last night. 🙏 I’m so grateful for each and everyone of them. If you want to join me for another Full Moon LET GO practice, my NEW class is this Saturday, September 2nd, from 9-10 a.m., Hatha and Yin.
Come practice with me this week, and just LET GO.
Monday night 8/28 ● 6-7 p.m.
Saturday morning (NEW class added!!!) 9/2 ● 9-10 a.m.
Andy’s flower’s to me. ❤️❤️